About Us

My desire to bring beauty and organization to my surroundings started at a young age—my dollhouse design lacked no detail, and I never missed a day of picking out my dad’s tie!

Being a 4th generation native to Amelia Island, I searched interior design programs in the southeast (let’s be honest, within a 3-hour drive of home) and was excited to claim Georgia Southern as my future alma mater. GSU’s Interior Design program equipped me with the practical skills to turn my long-time hobby into a full-time career. After graduation in 2005, I moved back to Florida to work for a local design firm where I gained hands-on experience in the industry.

I started Lola in the spring of 2013 during a season of juggling work/life balance with a young child. I wanted a business that combined my passion for design with my passion to serve others and allowed the flexibility I needed for my family. What started as a small venture and a big step of Faith, God has blessed and grown beyond my greatest expectations.

Tiffany Hinton's Story

Principal Designer & Founder

"Coming from a true homebody, I believe we should all feel our best at home. And at the end of the day, I feel most successful when we have created a space you are happy to call home."

—tiffany hinton, Principal Designer & LOLA'S Founder

Rooted in hospitality, we pour out our gifts and talents to deliver livable luxury and the feeling of finally being at home.

Lola Interiors strives to leave all things more beautiful than they’re found. 

We maintain the integrity of each detail, even the ones that aren't immediately seen. Lola's work is led by intention, grace, and a dedication to quality.

Sound stewardship of client resources, community support, and aesthetics is always at the forefront of our hearts and minds.

People and relationships are the greatest gift, responsibility, and opportunity—and our clients and trade partners can feel that in every interaction, no matter how small.

The feeling of “home” is of paramount importance to us: when it’s beautiful, in order, and aligned to your personality, you feel at ease, comfortable, and “you.”

Our Values

With experience at a large staging and design company, Rachael brings the utmost level of detail to managing the Lola studio and social presence. She's always planning her next home project, at her local Crossfit gym, or at the beach with her boys.

After a 16-year career in Special Education, Patti Ann found her niche managing client relationships, marketing strategies, and give-back campaigns. She can be found youth pastoring with her husband or exploring local parks with her kids. 

With her BFA in Fashion Marketing & Management from SCAD, Faye's always been drawn to the smallest yet most impactful details (and that serves her well on Lola's PM team). Catch her watching the sunrise over the ocean or experimenting in her kitchen.

With her PhD in Nutrition, Lauren's a stickler for the details. She helps ensure smooth systems, processes, and team structure as Lola grows. Outside of work, find her playing tennis or taking a good old-fashioned nap (we support).

Being Tiffany's sister-in-law (the Lola team truly is a family!), Courtney brings experience in marketing/PR and a love for organization to Lola's PM and creative team. Find her catching up on Dateline, or on the hunt for a new restaurant to try.

Always here to lend a helping hand to the Lola team (who feels like family), Sarah brings her five years of luxury retail experience to Lola's design team. At home, find her on her porch swing with her boys: two twins and her husband (and her cat!)

Lisa brings not only her degree in business from MSU to the Lola team, but also her small business experience (it runs in her family!) Outside of work, find her with family at her Georgia lake house, enjoying the Lord's beautiful creation.

A seven-year Lola veteran, Kelli has a passion for making things in life more beautiful than they were found. A Fernandina beach local, find her at the beach with her pup Kinsley Bug (yes, her real name!) or cooking up a storm at home.

Our Team

Let us know if you know someone in need who could use a little light or would like to donate your time or resources to the next rebuild project, by submitting the form below.


The Rebuild Project began as an annual initiative to assist a family or business in need by revitalizing their space with the generous support of our vendors and clients and has expanded to various giveback efforts. This project embodies our commitment to service and stewardship, using our time and talents to uplift those facing challenges.
Our ultimate vision is to build or provide a home for a family in need, creating a safe and beautiful haven where they can thrive and a place to call home.

At Lola Interiors, we believe in the transformative power of design to make a meaningful difference. 

Our Rebuild Project



Each staff member sponsors a child through Compassion International


Provided new beds for the Angel House Orphanage in Haiti 


Helped Dreams Come True with office updates


Refreshed 2 rooms in home of family fighting childhood cancer


Three Angels Sponsorship


Three Angels Sponsorship


Hurricane Matthew Relief


Christmas for Local Family


Gracie's Kitchen


Past Rebuild Projects

—Isaiah 58:10-12

If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight. I will always show you where to go. I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places— firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.

Rebuild Project Nomination Form

person you'd like to bless


Phone Number

First & Last Name

Thank you for submitting your nomination form! We will send you an email if your project is a good fit.

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